- Category
- Southworth Business and Legal 100% Cotton 3
- Southworth Business and Legal 25% Cotton 7
- Southworth Business and Legal Quality Bond 1
- Southworth Business and Legal Recycled 25% Cotton 0
- Southworth Business Antique Laid 25% Cotton 0
- Southworth Business Laser 25% Cotton 1
- Southworth Business Linen 25% Cotton 12
- Southworth Resume 100% Cotton 6
- Southworth Specialty Granite 25% Cotton 3
- Southworth Specialty Parchment 12
- Southworth Thesis 100% Cotton 0

Southworth Paper has established itself as a top supplier of fine stationery, resume paper, and envelopes. Southworth cotton-content papers and envelopes offer both quality and economy.